Boston Spa Community & Homeless Project
Wetherby Christmas Lights Team
VOLUNTEER TEAM Erecting Displays and Trees but ‘Switch on Event’ is by Wetherby BusinessAssociation
Wetherby Wombles
A voluntary group of like-minded Wetherby residents, who are passionate about keeping their town litter-free
Wetherby Speakers Club
Wetherby Speakers Club is part of the The Association of Speakers Clubs, a non-profit making self help organisation formed to help people develop and improve their public speaking and presentation skills.
The Wetherby Club was founded in 1977, and has held meetings in a variety of venues in the Wetherby area over the years. Our current home is Linton Memorial Hall on Linton Lane, Linton, Wetherby LS22 4HL
Sicklinghall Cricket Club
Sicklinghall Cricket Club is a family based club with one senior men’s team and a growing women’s and junior section. Our 1st X1 play in Division 3 of the Nidderdale League, and our Junior teams compete in the U9, U11 and U13 leagues. as well as participating in an ECB Juniors initiative for 5-11 girls and boys. We pride ourselves on being a friendly and sociable place to play cricket. Our history can be viewed in the ‘About the Club’ section.
We welcome all new players, senior and junior: new to the area, those wishing to progress their cricket or just wanting a new environment & challenge. Follow us on social media for more updates and/or use the ‘Contact’ section to get in touch. We look forward to seeing you at Sicklinghall Cricket Club soon.
Wetherby and Boston Spa Retired Men’s Forum
Wetherby and Boston Spa Men’s Forum currently has about 50 members and new members are always welcome.
Our meetings are held in the Scouts and Guides Hall, at the end of Church Street (off Bank Street), Wetherby at 10 am on Wednesday mornings from September until April (with a short gap during the Christmas period).
After we have had a cup of tea or coffee and a chat the Chairman will start the meeting and we then enjoy an interesting and entertaining talk by a visiting speaker.
Meetings usually end shortly after 11.30 am.
Wetherby High School
Passionate about unlocking your child’s potential

At Wetherby High School all our staff are deeply committed to ensuring every child receives an outstanding education. Our curriculum, teaching and pastoral care enable students to achieve at the highest academic level, unlocking doors to the future of their choice.
Our staff and students are ambitious to be the best version of themselves. That ambition extends way beyond their academic excellence. We want our students to reach their full potential academically and as young people moving into adulthood. We understand that central to this is developing character and a sense of social responsibility.
Our Coaching System allows us to know each student well as individuals, their likes and dislikes, their strengths and insecurities, their interests, pets and favourite TV programmes. It means as a Coach you can be there for them on the good and bad days. The relationships formed in Coaching allow the students to feel they belong to the school community. That belonging brings happiness, safety and a platform from which to challenge themselves in their education.
Wetherby Girl Guides
Part of Girlguiding in Leeds County, Wattlesyke Division, encompasses all guiding in Wetherby, Boston Spa, Collingham and the surrounding areas.
Friend’s of Sandringham Park
Friend’s of Sandringham park -Wetherby’s Green Flag award winning park has a Facebook page at